Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A quick look at the beginning.

I don't think I've even ever explained what Por Los Niños is. It's really a mix of a lot of things. The black and white definition would be: A place where a number of abused, neglected and orphaned children have the opportunity to live and create a new life for themselves. But I'm all about the gray area. I fell in love with the gray area. The gray definition would be: A village, run by Hondurans, where abused, neglected and orphaned children have the opportunity to live and create a new life for themselves...added bonus: the love of a family that might as well be their own and the chance to learn about the God that created and loves them. The Village brings in truly needy children and transforms their lives. It really is an incredible thing to see. Children like sweet Jose Armando and his sister Andy Celeste can go from;
to this only two years later;
 The awful, exciting, inspirational thing about these two is that they are not the exception at the Village, they are the norm. Children like this come to Por Los Niños just like Jose and Andy did all the time. But the exciting thing is, they never stay that way. It's an awe inspiring thing to hear the story of a child when they came to the Village and then see them present day. It truly is night and day. It's enough to make anyone's heart melt. Por Los Niños is not just a place for children to live. It's a chance to grow with God in a setting that will change their lives and with a family that loves them.

I can't help but relate this to how my life changed when I started following God. These children certainly did not asked for the life they were born into. Just like we didn't ask to be born into a life of sin. But we were. When God found us and we found Him, our lives were changed. When the children were brought to Por Los Niños, their lives were changed. Both of our lives have been refreshed. It's my prayer that someday, when the children get older, their lives will be refreshed again when they give it to God.

"'Come now let us reason together,'
says the Lord.
'Though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow.'"
Isaiah 1:18

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