It's hard to explain. I went to Honduras for a week. I came back a different person. Weird, right? One week and my life has changed? I know it's shocking, but it's true. The connections I made to the people in Honduras, especially the kids, has had a huge effect on me. I don't go a single day without thinking about what the kids are doing. Are they in school right now? Riding their bikes? Playing in the grass? They're always on my mind. Some days it's good. I'm happy knowing they're having fun, riding their bikes, playing and just being kids. Some days it's bad. I want to be with them, have a conversation (even if my Spanish is broken and jumbled), hear them laugh, and play, play for hours. I just want to be there. Today was one of the bad days. But even when it's a bad day, it's still so good. I know the kids are happy, healthy and very well cared for. Knowing that is worth a day or two of sadness. It's strange, I kind of feel like the jealous parent I related God to in my last post. I'm jealous for those kids, all the time. I guess this feeling gives me a tiny glimpse into the jealousy God has for me. For us.
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