Thursday, March 24, 2011

Freely you have received.

"For it is in giving that we receive."

The Lord calls us to give back. Personally, in my life, I have been blessed with more than I need. I never really realized this though until I went somewhere where it was normal to have a lot less. I think living in a culture where it is normal to have the mindset of "take, take, take", we can lose the mindset of Christ. Jesus gave to us something we can never repay. We have been given the opportunity to be cleansed of our sins and live forever with God. We can never repay Jesus, but we must live our lives with the intention of giving back. My goal is to live my life as a giver. I have selfish tendencies. We all do. But it's okay. We're all human. My goal is to raise money in any way I can for the children at Por Los Niños. I thought that in going to Honduras, I would be helping them. While I did do my best to help, what I got back was so much more. Being able to experience the happiness in these children was amazing. To think that children like my little Jose Armando were on the brink of dying from malnutrition, neglect or abuse terrifies me. What if? But because of Por Los Niños I don't have to think about the what if. He has the chance at a new life. All the children have a chance at a new life. Currently the Village has around 50 children. Each child is being clothed, fed, housed, taken to the doctors, educated in school and about God and most importantly, receiving the love of a family. The talk of expansion is in the air, but this can't be done without funding. My group has already begun planning our trip for next year. The goal is to put a cement block and barbed wire fence around the entire Village, costing around $100,000. Safety, like anywhere is so important. But it is vital in Honduras, and currently their safety is not up to par. It is a large goal, but it is certainly not impossible.
"For nothing is impossible with God." Luke 1: 37
To the right, the sidebar has all the steps to completing a donation. It is 100% secure so you don't have to worry about anything being stolen, sold, or lost. Each donation received goes to Por Los Niños and helps keep the Village running and the children safe, healthy and happy.

"...Freely you have received, freely give."
Matthew 10:8

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